Friday, March 16, 2012

Work in Progress Update

I just finished the first draft of my latest short story, A God's Quest, in which Apollo tries to break Daphne's curse and restore her to her proper form. It's the third act of my short story collection, Apollo Rising. The newest short story needs a week or so to "cool" before I start the editing process.

In the meantime, I'm back to work on my urban fantasy novel, The Nocebo Effect. The novel features Vonna, one of the characters from Paths Less Traveled, my upcoming short story collection.

Paths Less Traveled will be published by Musa Publishing on May 11, 2012. I'm anxiously awaiting the comments on the collection from my editor. I'm sure I'll be blogging on the editing and publishing process, including the blurb and excerpt, as we get closer to the release date.

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